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When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11 Review: Run to You


Jeanette's true colors were finally revealed.

On When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11, Lucas learned how Jeanette was involved in Casimir Shaw's reign of terror on Hope Valley.

As Rosemary dug too deep, she got into danger, and Elizabeth became a hostage. Find out how this gangster took over Hope Valley and who saved the day.

Protecting Hope Valley - When Calls the Heart

Trouble was afoot as soon as Jeanette was back in town. It made no sense that she would run straight back to Hope Valley, announcing that Casimir Shaw was on his way.

If she was running from him and afraid of him, how was she so aware of his plans?

Yet, she knew she was dangerous and begged Lucas to negotiate with him to keep him and his town safe.

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This rewrite of Lucas upset long-time fans. He never would have considered working with a long-time criminal like Shaw, even when trying to re-invent himself.

Nathan and Bill took charge and informed Lee and Mike of the danger. They assigned each person a road to watch, and Lucas met with Nathan and Bill. The men had no idea of the danger lurking nearby.

In Danger - When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11

Rosemary's instincts made her an excellent investigative journalist, but she needed to trust Bill this time when he told her to leave it alone. Bill knew leaving her out of the loop was risky, but they didn't realize how dangerous.

Rosemary felt abandoned and betrayed, so she agreed to work with Randall Rockwell when he wanted help solving Lucas's murder and kept flattering her.

In many ways, those two solved the case. They realized the handwriting on the note threatening Randall's family and a hotel receipt matched. It was Jeanette's.

But Rosemary had to rush over and tell Lucas and found danger when she found Jeanette waiting there instead.

Don't Underestimate Jeanette - When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11

Jeanette took pleasure in taunting Rosemary that Lucas had regained his memory and remembered that she and Casimir Shaw were there the night of the shooting.

She tried to convince Rosemary that Shaw made her write those threatening notes to Randall's family, but Rosemary was too clever.

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Unfortunately, things got worse when Elizabeth tried to find Rosemary, and she became a hostage, too.

The ladies had a guardian angel since Randall Rockwell found the men and showed them the handwriting samples, and Lucas realized Jeanette was the mastermind behind the plot.

Mountie in Action - When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11

As the three men noticed Jeanette had Rosemary and Elizabeth hostage, they knew they needed a plan so neither woman got harmed.

Lucas tried to reason with Jeanette, saying that he underestimated her until she put the gun down, and they tearfully embraced, even after all that, he still cared about her.

Nathan realized how precious Elizabeth was to him as Jeanette's accomplice had a gun to her. Chaos ensued as Bill got shot, and Nathan and Elizabeth went over the railing and landed in a wagon.

Some date night, huh?

Comforting Jeanette - When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11

While I'm relieved that the who-dun-it and the resort story is over, what's next for Lucas now that When Calls the Heart was renewed for Season 12?

Chris McNally is too talented to waste on more political stuff. He needs a meaty storyline.

Hopefully, Henry will be involved, as he's an excellent role model for redemption arcs.

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Now that Edwin and Jeanette are out of his life, his old characteristics may return.

Leap of Faith - When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11

These writers don't know how to write for Nathan and Elizabeth.

They alternate between writing them as mature adults helping each other through various crises and portraying them as awkward and cringy when they can't even correctly ask one another out on a date.

They've known each other for years. How hard should it be to arrange a horse ride together?

Their romance sometimes also seems more juvenile when they have their cheering squad. Rosemary is more blatant with her interfering support, though Bill was amusing.

Bill: It’s none of my business, but you really do move like molasses in January, pal. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Nathan: The last time I ventured, it didn’t go that well for me, so I’m letting her take the lead this time.
Bill: Well, time is a finite resource, my friend.

Romantic Ride - When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11

Whether you're a fan of them or not, it's also frustrating that every date they've tried to have has been interrupted by another crisis.

While they're adults, and Nathan is a Mountie, it's understandable that fans cannot remain invested when moments are interrupted.

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At least Elizabeth realized she had hurt Nathan and that they needed to talk about their past.

While they never had an official date, they finally had that meaningful conversation about how bad timing got in the way and that Elizabeth was finally ready.

I couldn’t say it before, so let me tell you now. Nathan, I’m in love with you.

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The stories and cast have become unbalanced. We've spent so much time on solving Lucas's shooting and financing the resort that we haven't invested enough time into the supporting characters' storylines.

Mike and Mei got engaged, and it seemed like a blip on the radar before Mike was whisked away to help with the search for Casimir Shaw.

While their engagement was rushed, as someone with many military family and friends, I could understand a quickie engagement and wedding while Mei's brother was in town.

Mei, I love you more than anything. I know this is sudden, but with Bo being here, the time seems right. Will you marry me?


It feels like Mike and Mei get a few minutes of romance every few episodes. While I think they're adorable, it isn't easy to become invested in their happiness without seeing their growth on screen.

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It's been the same way with the Canfields and Faith and Lily.

They exhibit family love and warmth, the kind of stories you could watch forever, but they only get featured occasionally.

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Both families got an arc for a few episodes, but now only pop up for a few minutes, often together since Joseph and Minnie help Faith with Lily.

I was relieved Lily stayed in Hope Valley, but I wanted a storyline of how Faith dealt with shared custody, not just pop-up appearances.

Bill Spills the Beans - When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11

Over to you, Hearties. What did you think of "Run to You?" Did you suspect Jeanette's true nature?

Did you guess the engaged couple? Are you happy with Nathan and Elizabeth's progressing relationship?

We'd love to hear your thoughts, so please share them with us below.

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